Journalism Students taking part in Erasmus+ Program

Written by on 14. Juni 2024

As part of the intercultural course “Europe on Air”, students from “FHWien der WKW” created a radio feature on European Agricultural Policy in Austria called „Fields of Change – Insights into farmers‘ biggest battles“.

In the year of the European elections, the international course „Europe OnAir“ took place in Antwerp. Prior to this, five students produced a fifteen-minute radio feature. For this, the students talked to farmers in Lower Austria about the state of agriculture in Austria.

Various experts were also interviewed on the topics of climate change and agriculture in the context of the European Union. The English feature addressed questions such as: How does the EU Green Deal affect the farmers and how do farmers in Austria deal with EU measures?

The radio feature airs on June 15, 2024, at 10 AM on Radio Radieschen 91.3.


International Students in Antwerp
Credits: Esko Haatunen

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